Ibero-American University Network of Territory and Mobility

A university association that aims to promote areas of research and development related to the territory, mobility and municipality with a broad integrative and transversal approach through the joint collaboration of working groups.

Countries and universities

The University Network of Territory and Mobility (RUITEM) is a collaborative project between teachers from universities in the Iberian Peninsula and Latin America. It also includes representatives of companies and members of the Administration.

At present, RUITEM is made up of 115 members belonging to 46 universities, 3 companies and 2 administrations with a presence in 17 countries.


Preparando el XVI Foro Internacional RUITEM

RUITEM (Red Universitaria Iberoamericana de Territorio y Movilidad), ha llevado a cabo recientemente una reunión sumamente productiva con CIPEM – Cámara de Industrias Producción y Empleo. Este encuentro se realizó en coordinación con el señor Andrés Robalino Jaramillo, su destacado Director ejecutivo.

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Foro internacional RUITEM contenidos

Este foro congregó a una notable cantidad de profesionales comprometidos con la sostenibilidad, proporcionando un espacio clave para el intercambio de ideas sobre el desarrollo sostenible y las estrategias tecnológicas para mitigar el cambio climático.

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Foro Internacional del Agua en Cartagena de Indias

El martes 21 y el miércoles 22 de noviembre de 2017 tendrá lugar el I Foro Internacional del Agua en Cartagena de Indias organizado por RUITEM y patrocinado ACUACAR bajo el lema “El Agua en el Desarrollo Urbano y Territorial: Experiencias, Problemas y Soluciones”. Este Foro Internacional del Agua, también cuenta con la colaboración de la Universidad de Cartagena y

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Foro Internacional RUITEM Lisboa

De izquierda a derecha: Marcelo Motta (Brasil) ; Joaquin Catala (España); Carlos Novaes (Brasil); Pere Macias (España); Gilberto Cabrera (Cuba); Modesto Batlle (Presidente RUITEM, España); Carlos Bellido (Panamá); Joana Castro (Lisboa); Mario Pineda (Panamá); Jose Luis Bonifaz (Perú); Francesc Ventura (España); Carles Labraña (España); Juan Manuel Manrique (España); Manuel H. Ortiz (El Salvador) y Rui Cunha (Lisboa) La XIV Asamblea

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Welcome to the RUITEM news section, the space dedicated to keep you informed about the latest news, featured events and meetings of our network. RUITEM, an unprecedented collaboration between universities in Ibero-America, prides itself on fostering academic and professional exchange in critical areas such as territory and transport.

Business-University Services

RUITEM is an organisation that aims to serve as a link between the academic, business and official spheres (administrations). Therefore, one of its missions is to organise and carry out forums, events and activities at the request of a university, company or administration, with the following aims:


  • Strengthening the relationship between business and government.
  • To introduce the company to future stakeholders, i.e. final year and postgraduate students.
  • Incorporation of interns into the company.

To achieve this, we have, as an example, the following paths:

  • Creation of Chairs or Business Classrooms
  • Corporate Implementation Agreements
  • Company Presentation Events
  • Concession of Company Academic Prizes
  • Sponsorship of academic activities
  • Creation of National or International Forums or Seminars under its sponsorship.
  • University-Company Agreements at National or International level.


The Review of design and aesthetics in infrastructures

Join us

Professionals with recognised experience linked to a university, usually teachers, may apply to join RUITEM.

Professionals with recognised experience linked to a company may also apply for membership as collaborating members. Likewise, and as institutional members, professionals working in the administrations may apply for membership.

To apply for membership it is necessary to send a letter to the Coordination Committee explaining the reasons for the application (e-mail ruitem@ruitem.org).

The secretary, if the motivation is adequate, will request the necessary data and, once completed, will ask the Coordination Commission for provisional registration. The definitive registration will take place at the next Assembly.


Puedes contactarnos a través del siguiente formulario o del email ruitem@ruitem.org.

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Pode contactar-nos através do seguinte formulário ou por correio eletrónico para ruitem@ruitem.org.

Contact us

You can contact us through the following form or email ruitem@ruitem.org.