What is RUITEM?

The Ibero-American University Network on Territory and Mobility (RUITEM) is a joint collaboration project between working groups of Ibero-American universities.

RUITEM aims to promote areas of work related to territory, transport, sustainability and governance, with a broad integrative and transversal approach, in accordance with the declaration of its Letter of Intent, signed in Recife (Brazil) in 2004.

RUITEM members are teachers from the different Universities, who act as representatives of RUITEM in the Faculty, Departments, Sections or even Working or Research Groups, without the need to assume any type of administrative or economic commitment, linked only by their will to participate, under the figure of a nonprofit association, this fact makes it possible to avoid complex bureaucratic procedures.

RUITEM may accept the incorporation of new representatives, upon request and acceptance by the Coordination Commission and the Assembly. Likewise, it may incorporate as institutional members, those persons linked to the Administrations and as collaborating members, those persons who are in the private sector and wish to participate representing their company (“Collaborating Entity”).

An annual General Assembly is held together with an International Forum, in addition to the different meetings of its Working Groups, for the development of its specific activities.



To facilitate the exchange of experiences and technologies, in the fields of planning, infrastructures, environment, tourism and public management, between the different Ibero-American countries through the Universities and the specific Working Groups, with business collaboration. specific working groups, with business collaboration.


Generate meetings between universities companies and administrations to promote
training and collaboration.


Collaborate with public administrations to transfer knowledge to society. to society.


Promote and generate meetings between universities for training tasks, whether at the level of discussion forums, seminars, postgraduate, master's or doctoral courses.


Access, when deemed appropriate, through the Working Groups, the proposals of multilateral organisations: Inter-American Development Bank, World Bank, EIB or similar, as well as those of the corresponding administrations.


Puedes contactarnos a través del siguiente formulario o del email ruitem@ruitem.org.

Contact us

You can contact us through the following form or email ruitem@ruitem.org.